Reekie work closely with the petrochemical and process industries to provide the constant reassurance and backup of highly experienced support, backed by a range of technology leading hardware.
Typical work includes;
Heat Exchangers – Clocking & face machining, tube removal & re-grooving
Pipe Cutting and Weld Preparation
Weld Excavations
Machining Heat Exchanger Division Slots
Vessels – manway doors, flanges & trepanning into bodies
Fin fan cooler – leaking inspection plugs
Stud removal – valves, steam chests & turbine casings
Valve machining – facing & re-profiling
Header pipe penetrations
Shaft turning & alignment – motors, gearbox & fans
Milling Motor Mount Pads
Vessel Nozzle Weld Preparation
Repairing Shaft Journals
Machining Turbine Split Lines
Lifting Lug Removal