Let the Celebrations begin!

There may be limited opportunities this year to don the festive jumpers, so to make sure they got an outing and to bring a little Christmas cheer, on Friday the of 4th December the staff at Reekie’s were encouraged to pull on their best/favourite Christmas jumper or hat, or wear any festive item and make a donation to Erskine, double if they didn’t join the festive fun!
Staff working from home also participated; Graeme can be seen here with his Christmas New York skyline jumper on. And our Machine Shop Supervisor, Peter, not only had one Christmas jumper on, but underneath the one pictured, is another!!!
We are really please that the staff raised a total of £218.70. and Reekie’s Managing Director, David Reekie has offered to match fund this, so the grand total of £437.40 will be on it’s way to Erskine to help support the really valuable work that they do.
For further information please visit, www.erskine.org.uk