
Reekie Machining has secured a significant contract from UK company CTC Marine for [[http://www.reekiemachining.co.uk/services/in_situ_machining, in-situ machining ]] on its multi-purpose oil & gas service vessel DeepCygnus, after having successful completed a similar contract for one of its sister ships in 2007. Reekie is to machine the deck of the DeepCygnus to allow the fitting of a removable reel for pipe laying work. The contract is to be completed in Norway within a four week timeframe to ensure maximum productivity for the client. MD Colin Reekie commented: “This contract is identical in every way to that completed last year for the same client, and we believe is a reflection of the positive relationships we have established with CTC and high standard of workmanship provided by the Reekie team last time around. A small group of time served turners and machine tool technicians are planning to travel to Norway shortly to complete the contract