Whether line boring, through boring or blind boring our Site Technicians and equipment can meet almost any machining challenge.
- From 25mm Ø up to 2000mm Ø and up to 6000mm deep bores
- Range of Reekie boring and drilling machines can be modified to suit requirements
- Holes can be bored both independently to make round and parallel to tolerances with 0.02mm (depending on dimensions and material)
- Concentric with the required parallel or roundness datum or off-set as required
- Can be set using laser alignment equipment
- In house welding capacity available on site
- Boring machines electrically, air or hydraulically powered
Typical Applications
- Crane boom Clevis Plate
- Valve Seats and Sealing Bands
- Hinges and Lifting points
- Ferry Ramps Hinges
- Excavator buckets
- Turbine casings
- Ship’s stern tubes, A Brackets, P Brackets
- Drive shaft housings
- Gearbox housings
- Turbine couplings
- Power press frames