World’s biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan – Reekie Style

On Thursday 30th September 2021 we held a coffee morning to raise money for a great cause, MacMillan Cancer Support. Our Insitu machinists, Welders, Turners and Project Engineers all got their baking hats on (or stopped at the local supermarket) to delight us with the baking skills and tasty goodies.
A returning favourite of Mrs Richmond’s carrot cake was well received as always but our HR manager Charlotte’s Victoria sponge was a close challenger for that top spot. Notable mentions also have to be given to the cookies from Design department and Nutella Krispie cake from the Accounts Team. Calorific!
At the end of the day with a lot of full bellies and raised blood sugars, the count brought us in at over £200 raised for a great cause.